Deficiency Records for Brendan House

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Updated as of August 01, 2024


Deficiency Records for Brendan House

A list of the most recent deficiencies for Brendan House. The list is based on the information provided by CMS from both standard inspections and from complaints filed by residents.

A list of the most recent deficiencies for Brendan House. The list is based on the information provided by CMS from both standard inspections and from complaints filed by residents.

Deficiency Type of Deficiency Deficiency Date Date Corrected Resulted from a Complaint?
Meet requirements for the installation and maintenance of medical gas and medical vacuum systems. Fire Safety 2023-09-21 2023-11-08 N
Ensure that residents are free from significant medication errors. Health 2023-09-14 2023-10-30 N
Prepare residents for a safe transfer or discharge from the nursing home. Health 2023-09-14 2023-10-29 N
Develop and implement a complete care plan that meets all the resident's needs, with timetables and actions that can be measured. Health 2023-09-14 2023-10-29 N
Plan the resident's discharge to meet the resident's goals and needs. Health 2023-09-14 2023-10-29 N
Provide appropriate pressure ulcer care and prevent new ulcers from developing. Health 2023-09-14 2023-10-29 N
Provide enough food/fluids to maintain a resident's health. Health 2023-09-14 2023-10-29 N
Ensure each resident?s drug regimen must be free from unnecessary drugs. Health 2023-09-14 2023-10-29 N
To conduct inspection, testing and maintenance of fire doors by qualified individuals. Fire Safety 2023-09-21 2023-10-26 N
Inspect, test, and maintain automatic sprinkler systems. Fire Safety 2023-09-21 2023-10-02 N
Reasonably accommodate the needs and preferences of each resident. Health 2022-12-22 2023-01-24 N
Ensure that each resident is free from the use of physical restraints, unless needed for medical treatment. Health 2022-12-22 2023-01-24 N
Ensure each resident receives an accurate assessment. Health 2022-12-22 2023-01-24 N
Develop the complete care plan within 7 days of the comprehensive assessment; and prepared, reviewed, and revised by a team of health professionals. Health 2022-12-22 2023-01-24 N
Provide and implement an infection prevention and control program. Health 2022-12-22 2023-01-24 N
Have a complete alarm system manually initiated and initiated by fire sprinkler system connection. Fire Safety 2022-12-27 2023-01-24 N
Have simulated fire drills held at unexpected times. Fire Safety 2022-12-27 2023-01-24 N
Protect each resident from all types of abuse such as physical, mental, sexual abuse, physical punishment, and neglect by anybody. Health 2022-12-22 2022-12-22 Y
Allow residents to self-administer drugs if determined clinically appropriate. Health 2021-11-10 2021-12-21 N
Honor the resident's right to request, refuse, and/or discontinue treatment, to participate in or refuse to participate in experimental research, and to formulate an advance directive. Health 2021-11-10 2021-12-21 N
Provide timely notification to the resident, and if applicable to the resident representative and ombudsman, before transfer or discharge, including appeal rights. Health 2021-11-10 2021-12-21 N
Notify the resident or the resident?s representative in writing how long the nursing home will hold the resident?s bed in cases of transfer to a hospital or therapeutic leave. Health 2021-11-10 2021-12-21 N
Develop and implement a complete care plan that meets all the resident's needs, with timetables and actions that can be measured. Health 2021-11-10 2021-12-21 N
Develop the complete care plan within 7 days of the comprehensive assessment; and prepared, reviewed, and revised by a team of health professionals. Health 2021-11-10 2021-12-21 N
Ensure food and drink is palatable, attractive, and at a safe and appetizing temperature. Health 2021-11-10 2021-12-21 N
Provide and implement an infection prevention and control program. Health 2021-11-10 2021-12-21 N
Inspect, test, and maintain automatic sprinkler systems. Fire Safety 2021-11-16 2021-12-21 N
Ensure receptacles at patient bed locations and where general anesthesia is administered, are tested after initial installation, replacement or servicing. Fire Safety 2021-11-16 2021-12-21 N

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